2011年4月26日 星期二


講者名稱Danièle Bélanger

Danièle Bélanger is the Canada Research Chair in Population, Gender and Development, and Associate Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of Western Ontario. She is a social demographer working on the developing world. Her research focuses on gender, reproductive health, family, marriage and abortion. She is currently working on the data she collected during her fieldwork in Vietnam during the year 2000 and 2002 on fertility behavior, social policy and gender preference for children. This research is funded by the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) and the Social Science Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)

We will discuss one aspect of the social transformations brought about the presence of new immigrant groups in Taiwan: the reconfiguration of the use and meaning of public space in the city of Taipei. Because migrant workers from the Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia and Vietnam gather and make use of different public places in Taipei City, the meaning previously attached to these spaces is transformed. In addition to providing an analysis of the changes in the social landscape of the city, we discuss how political leaders attempt to re-inscribe public spaces with meaning that they feel more suitable. The gap between the current use of some public places and planners’ original intentions speaks to the profound change that Taiwanese society is undergoing with the arrival of international migrants. To study Filipino, Thai and Indonesian migrants’ relationships with public space, we focus on how they use the Taipei Railway Station and surrounding areas. The train station of Taiwan’s largest city is a meeting point for migrants who converge in the city on Sundays. It is, therefore, a good case study to examine how migration changes urban public space. We discuss why the use of public places by Vietnamese diverges from other groups and explore why they do not use the TRS and seem to prefer other gathering places. Overall, this study reveals how different contradictory structural forces compete with one another. In addition, we show how migrant workers carve a space of hidden resistance for themselves by defying the hegemonic definition of public spaces in Taipei City.
活動時間星期二, 四月 26, 2011 - 10:00 to 12:00


主辦單位 |國立中興大學人文與社會科學研究中心 

協辦單位 |國立中興大學景觀與遊憩學位學程

指導單位 |教育部、國科會

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