講者名稱: Pheng Cheah
講者簡歷: Rhetoric
Department, University of California at Berkeley
The central premise of the recent revival of interest in
world literature is that the concrete reality of contemporary globalization has
led to the emergence of world literature, which has rendered merely national
literature obsolete or even illusory. In this contrast between “world
literature” and “national literature,” the attachment of the adjective “world”
to qualify the noun, “literature” indicates the conflation of the globe, a
bounded object or entity in Mercatorian space, with the world, a form of
relating, belonging or being-with. One says map of the world, but one really
means map of the globe. It is assumed that the spatial diffusion and
extensiveness achieved through global media and markets give rise to a sense of
worldhood, of belonging to a shared world, when one might argue that such
developments lead to the undermining of worldhood. An understanding of
worldliness in terms of the material processes of globalization leads to a deficient
understanding of the normativity of world literature. Through an examination of
Ninotchka Rosca’s State of War, this paper argues that certain kinds of
postcolonial literature can help us throw into the sharpest relief the
normative dimension of world literature because they craft new figurations and
stories of world-belonging for given postcolonial peoples in situations where
the devastating impact of globalization for the lower strata of these societies
makes opening onto another world especially urgent.
活動時間: 星期二, 五月 31, 2011
- 15:00 to 17:00
活動地點: 國立中興大學綜合教學大樓9樓904室
主辦單位 | 國立中興大學人文與社會科學研究中心
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