2014年5月14日 星期三

【103.05.23】【中研院週五論壇】Local State Corporatism in Contemporary China


講 題:Local State Corporatism in Contemporary China:
               conceptual approach an empirical findings

主講人:Gunter Schuberts(舒耕德) 教授 

時 間:103年05月30日(星期五)下午2時30 分 - 下午4時30分

地 點:中研院人文館南棟8樓 社會所8樓802會議室


       The local state has seen remarkable change since the early reform days and particularly during the Hu-Wen era, triggered by a new focus of the central government on rural development and rural-urban integration. The center reduced the ‘peasant burden’ by the tax-for-fee reforms in 2002 and the abolishment of the agricultural tax in 2006. It increased its fiscal transfers to provide more funding for local governments to ensure reasonable public goods provision and investment in agricultural modernization and in situ urbanization. At the same time, performance evaluation of local cadres and government units has been streamlined to enforce stricter compliance with upper level policy guidelines. Also, local governments have been systematically encouraged to engage in policy experimentation and innovation, linking policy success to cadre promotion. However, local governments at all levels still struggle with ‘un(der)-funded’ mandates, rising public demands and, as often reported, social protest. Against this background, it is argued in this article that ‘local state corporatism’, a concept introduced in the 1990s, is still a useful analytical tool to make sense of state-business relations at county level and below. The local state has maintained its supremacy over private sector development and entrepreneurial agency, underlining its astonishing ‘adaptive capacity’ which contributes significantly to overall system stability in contemporary China.


      Gunter Schubert is Chair Professor of Greater China Studies at the Institute of Asian and Oriental Studies, University of Tübingen. He is also the Director of the Tübingen-based European Research Center on Contemporary Taiwan (ERCCT). Professor Schubert specializes in the politics and society of the Greater China region, cross-strait relations and integration, and local governance reform and policy implementation in the PRC. He has also published on human rights development in East Asia and Chinese nationalism. His most recent book publications are Proactive Local Politics: County and Township Cadres as Strategic Group (in Chinese, Central Compilation & Translation Press 2013, co-edited by Thomas Heberer and He Zengke); Taiwanese Identity in the Twenty-first Century. Domestic, regional and global perspectives (Routledge 2011, co-edited with Jens Damm); Political Participation and Regime Legitimacy in the PRC: Rural China (Politische Partizipation und Regimelegitimität in der VR China: Der ländliche Raum) (VS-Verlag Wiesbaden 2009, co-written with Thomas Heberer; in Germ.) and Regime Legitimacy in Contemporary China: Institutional Change and Stability (Routledge 2009, co-edited with Thomas Heberer).

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