2014年6月11日 星期三



講 題: 社會資本與組織脈絡[中文演講]

主講人:林南 教授 (中央研究院院士)

時 間:103年06月27日(星期五)下午2時30 分 - 下午4時30分

地 點:中研院人文館南棟8樓 社會所8樓802會議室


     The presentation explores some issues concerning the transfer of the theory and measurements of social capital, as captured in the embedded resources paradigm, from the micro-level analysis to the macro-level analysis. I will discuss how the theory and measurements can be “translated” in the organizational context, provide examples from several studies, and identify certain issues and propositions for future research. 


    My main research interests are social networks and social capital, the life stress process (especially social support as resources), social stratification and mobility, and Chinese societies. 

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